What is My Car Trying to Tell Me? 

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Many modern cars are heavily computerized, which allows self-running diagnostic tests to optimize a vehicle’s working order. Components of the car and its integrated systems can be scanned for any functions in the system before its status becomes alarming. The results of these diagnostic tests can tell your mechanic what’s going on with your car so they can isolate the problem and efficiently repair the vehicle.

A mechanic usually runs a diagnostic check when the dashboard shows a “check engine” signal or another light illumination symbol. Regular maintenance appointments can include the test as well. 


What parts of the car does the test inspect? 

A diagnostic check looks for issues, tears, breaks, and faults within the following areas:

  • Engine or individual components
  • Transmission and responsiveness
  • Brake responsiveness
  • Exhaust system
  • Fuel injector, ignition coils, and throttle

Diagnostic tests help drivers assess their vehicle’s state. These tests are not perfectly accurate, and they’re not meant to be. A diagnostic test gives the mechanic a starting point to work from and figure out what’s wrong with your car. However, our technicians do their best to pinpoint the location of the issue. In addition, the test helps resolve a potential error with a car that could worsen if not repaired. 

Similar to how the population consults a doctor about a symptom, medical diagnostic tests aid doctors in discovering the patient’s sickness. Care for your car as if it were your body!


How long does the test take? 

The test can often take an hour to an hour and a half. More complicated issues require more diagnosis, which may take more time. 


How often should a car get a diagnostic test?

A vehicle should be tested, especially when the check engine light is on, but you can always get it tested when it feels “off” or if something doesn’t feel normal when driving it. Other lights on your dashboard may also light up to tell you that something is going wrong with your car.


Need a mechanic? Call Erick’s!

If you’re not sure what’s going on with your car, bring it to Erick’s. Our mechanics are more than willing to run a diagnostic and get you back on the road safely.


Contact us at (603) 429-2300 to schedule a service.